Who Knew?

So, like most singleton people whom have not had children, I was apart of “those” people that could not stand the Facebook statuses of friends’ children who talked about “their child finally sleeping through the night” or “going potty for the first time”. I often would comment to other singleton friends about, “who gave a rats ass about the kids? I did not friend the kids did I? Where the hell is my friend’s profile pic?? Why the hell am I looking at the baby???”

Furthermore, I come to realize that I hated to go out with my “mommy friends”, these people ONLY talked about their babies. And would look around me searching for other mommies to further talk about the naps and car seats. I hated it. Sometimes, I would get an apology or they would just continue to talk about things I knew nothing about while showing me pics on their phone of their babes.

It seemed as if when they had their babies, these friends would morph into another person, something I could never understand.

Then…. it happened! I had my son, and I got it. My whole life shifted and enveloped into naps, patty-cake and Elmo’s World. No longer was I closing the bar and making late night pizza orders.

One day I was uploading all my pics that I had just taken of my son, thinking about who would “like” the latest of my treasures and coming up with some witty titles to said pic, when I realized, I have become “that person!” I searched through my past updates and realized as I read things such as… “can’t  wait till I can sleep through the night”, “just had a pooplosion, ewww”, “someone is 6 months old!” that I had indeed become “that person”.

I have now entered “the club”, this club is for the cool cats, is very exclusive and it feels good.

I ammm backkkk

Pregnancy Silhouet Clip Art

Hiatus. That is where I have been but I am back, where have I been? Well getting prepared and getting the most important job of my life, becoming a Mom.

Being a mom is no joke. It sounds cliche, but it is the hardest job and truly does change a person. Even the TV shows that I watch I look at from a different perspective and by the grace of God, I have been given a wealth of patience. You really do get protective where you feel your blood boil and react from 0-60 in 2 seconds. I can totally relate to the mother’s who gained super powers and could move a car off their baby. I know that would be me, I will move mountains for my son and I am sure all parents can relate to that piece.

This is going to be one hell of a journey, but I am excited and look forward to seeing where it takes me.

The Rock

A Sedona Fantasy

Standing on a cliff screaming at the top of my lungs.

Looking down at everyone who said they cared or they would be there.


So sick of people’s lies and placating what they think you want to hear or what is polite.

WHERE are all the real people.

Sick of trusting that people care and will be there when you need them.

Sick of always being the one to lean on.

WHERE is my support, my rock in the middle of the storm?

Looking around, I notice I AM my own rock.

Don’t wait on tomorrows…

Beach where I grew up in the summers... my place of refuge

Beach where I grew up in the summers... my place of refuge

Sometimes I think that we all forget the big picture and get caught up with the iotas of imperfections in our lives. We can take a beautiful thing and over analyze it thinking that something has to be wrong, when it’s not. It is so hard to just go with the flow, fearing that something will go wrong, so we self-sabotage. Sometimes it’s easier to not have something than have it and wait for it to fail, even if it never does.

Last year, I lost a lot of people in my life. It put things in perspective for me. It made me realize what was important and to not sweat the small stuff.  Four people (not including my neighbor) died in my life that were much to young to die, none from a natural cause. Each felt like a punch in the gut.

I learned from this to be grateful for what I had and not to expect that there will  be a tomorrow.  I learned to live in the moment, not to assume that relationships or people will be available in the future.  I learned that people and relationships are important, not work or money. When something happens in my life now, I just think about what they would do. I have stopped “thinking” about the repercussions of my actions and just if it feels “right”. If it feels right, then I go with it, I go with my “gut instinct”.   I don’t know what tomorrow will bring, but I do know that I don’t want to have any regrets. Life is too short for unnecessary baggage. I think if we all stopped sweating things we can not change or are minuscule and focused on the positive aspects of our lives we would be in a much better place in our lives. If something happened to you today, would you have any regrets? What is holding you back from making it right?

What is the deal???

I just read an article about a woman giving birth on a plane and leaving it behind. No one knew about the delivery! I repeat, NO ONE KNEW ABOUT THE DELIVERY!!! Many things disturbed me about this article and here they are:

  • Did no one have to go to the bathroom and noticed it was “occupied”? I know that when I have to “go”, I always wait and see which one of the two stalls are available to use. Furthermore, I notice when people don’t come out of it. I keep mental note to NOT go into the one that has taken a long time.
  • What did the people in the back of the plane think was going on in there? Personally, I would have thought someone was dying in that stall and would have said something to both the person next to me and the flight attendant.
  • Really, How sanitary is an airplane bathroom? I am thinking of a little club that goes by the name of “Mile High Club” and no I am not a member.
  • Can giving birth cause you to become a mute? Have you ever confused the Hospital delivery ward with a library? It’s been my thought that I would want to die and/or kill someone while giving birth and that yelling vulgarities at anyone within an earshot was a done deal, screaming in general is a given. We have all seen the movies and know someone (I mean how did you get here), have they ever said to you, “Painful, nah, I barely even made a peep”.
  • The woman left her baby behind. Did she think that the baby was just luggage and she would be picking it up at baggage claim? What was she thinking?
  • A little thing called an umbilical cord. How the hell did she get this detached from herself? I could not even bring my nail clipper last time I boarded a plane. What is she the female McGuyver? I mean really, what is the deal?

So those are just some of my thoughts on the issue. What are yours?

Here is the link to the original article: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090320/ap_on_re_au_an/as_new_zealand_flight_birth_2

The 3 P’s

There are many things that can make us successful in our lives. Personally, I feel that there are three keys to success and those are to: Predict, Plan and Prepare. These three “P’s” are essential in all aspects of our lives. They can be valuable in both your business and social arenas.

It is important that when you wake up in the morning, you predict how your day is going to be starting when you leave your house. This can help you remedy any situations that might arise. While I brush my teeth, I predict what people are going to need from me at work, this way I can be proactive and help these people before they come to me.

Before you talk to someone, you can “predict” what they are going to say and “plan” what you might say back to them and “prepare” for their reaction (whether it is bad or good). Making predictions on how people are going to be in meetings, classes (if you teach), etc. these predictions will help you not be caught off guard and ready for any type of event.

Planning is also another great tool to have in your bag of tricks. I plan throughout my day, although it can be time consuming, it is quite beneficial. Especially, if you are a teacher. I plan for how I am going to handle volatile situations if they outbreak at my job everyday, maybe even every hour.

Making plans with people, students, friends, family members is good way to help those that might have anxiety be able to de-escalate their situations. I have learned that sitting down with my friends, students and colleagues and predicting what might happen and creating a plan has been EXTREMELY helpful. Sometimes brainstorming with a friend all possible outcomes and planning for those can be very helpful. I know that sometimes it’s better to go through it all (bad and good outcomes), that way, if it happens- there is no surprise. It is always good to bounce ideas off of a good friend, especially one that will not “sugar coat” things.

And last but definitely not least, preparing. When I say preparing, I mean being prepared for work and life. Be prepared for your meetings, don’t be that “guy/girl” that shows up without paper and a pen. If you go to an interview, be prepared bring about a dozen resumes, cover letters and recommendations (if you have them). If you are a teacher (like myself), make sure that you ALWAYS have academic work for your students, and make sure you have another one ready if they finish early. It is imperative that you are prepared and looked prepared at work. Think of someone you work with that is always prepared. What do you think of that person? I think, responsible and respectable; that person has their “shit” together. Furthermore, when you are prepared, you are really making your life and those around  you easier.

Let the Sun Shine!

Spring is in the air! So many people are affected each year with Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). Ironically, those affected by SAD are sad.  Some say that the lack of sunlight and shorter days/longer nights can effect the psyche, making them more irritable or depressed. Here is a link to a good website if you think you or someone you love could be afflicted with SAD http://mayoclinic.com/health/seasonal-affective-disorder/DS00195 .Personally, I just hate being cold and having to stay indoors. I love the beach and being able to sit in the sun to read or draw. I am really looking forward to the end of this cold weather and welcome the sun! So this is my Sun dance! Let the spring began!

How to Cure a Hangover

So you have gone out for the night with your pals and had a fantastic time!  Unfortunately, now it’s the next day and you want to die from the hangover. So, what do you do? I am in no shape or form a doctor, this post is about different ways to help cure a hangover or at least help you get through the day. Feel free to leave a comment of your “cure for a hangover”.

If you can remember, try and drink as MUCH water BEFORE you go to bed. Even better, try to drink water before you leave the bar. I know that they say to drink water in between you drinks, but  I have never done that and always forget to try. Also, it doesn’t hurt to take some aspirin or advil before hitting the sack.

My personal cure for the hangover blues, is to drink lots of gatorade and get a hamburger and fries. I feel like the Gatorade provides you with electrolytes and rehydrates you faster than ordinary water.  Hamburger and fries coat your stomach with grease and for me is a comfort thing. I am not sure what the grease does or how it helps, I am not a hamburger expert (more of a burrito expert).

Well this afternoon on Twitter I decided to tweet and ask “How do you cure a hangover” and here is what I got back:

Are your pants on fire?

To say that it angers me when people decide to redefine a lie so that it  work for them would be an understatement. The definition of a lie is something that is not true. It is not that difficult to understand. I am not sure where the difficulty lies within this definition and where people might get lost.  Also, I am not sure why you would expect someone whom you lie to, will not question:  1) why you lied 2) what else you could be lying about. This is especially troublesome if the lie was not a big one. Lots of little lies can be worse than one lie. Why? Simple, you have now become a compulsive liar. You will be known as someone that is not truthful with information and that instead of honoring and respecting the person you are with, you opt with lying to their face so that it will not be “annoying” or hard on you.  So, that would mean that instead of dealing with an annoying truth to face, you exchange it with being known as a liar in your relationship.  Bravo!

What’s Your Priority?

Priorities. They are what we value more than anything and drives us.

It seems that sometimes, people get so consumed in their own worlds that they do not take a step out of them to reflect on how the people that co-exist in their world are affected.

Personally, I feel that relationships with those you care about should be at the top of your list. Money, power, jobs, etc. that can all be gone in a flash (especially in this economy) but what does remain steadfast are our relationships.

If you are not “performing” in these relationships, the loss is much greater. You end up losing your support system and irreplaceable relationships.

It is imperative to have your walk match your talk. If you are telling someone that they are a priority, well then SHOW  them it. Do not continue with your routine of taking care of your needs first. Take time out of your schedule to do the small simple things that show that your thoughts are with them. Be thoughtful in your actions. Remember, sometimes it is the little things that matter. This can include just jotting down a note or sending a text.  Showing someone that they matter to you does not cost money, just your time. It seems that many people feel that they do not have the money to spend on “showing” that they care. Really, if you ask the other person in the relationship, they would just like reminders that they are special to you and you appreciate them.